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GVSU's Allendale Campus
Accounting, B.B.A.
Accounting, M.S.A.
Advanced American Sign Language Undergraduate Badge
Advanced Craft Brewing Undergraduate Badge
Advanced Tax Practice Graduate Badge
Adventure Tourism Minor
Advertising and Public Relations, B.A., B.S.
Africana Studies Minor
Aging and Adult Life Minor
Allied Health Sciences, B.S.
Allied Health Sciences, B.S. - Health Professional degree completion emphasis
Allied Health Sciences, B.S. - Histotechnology emphasis
Anthropology B.A., B.S.
Applied Anthropology Undergraduate Certificate
Applied Computer Science, M.S.
Applied Data Analytics Undergraduate Certificate
Applied Data Analytics Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Applied Food and Nutrition, B.S.
Applied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Natural Resources Undergraduate Certificate
Applied Linguistics Minor
Applied Statistics, M.S.
Aquatic Sciences Minor
Arabic Minor
Archaeology Minor
Art Education, B.A., B.S.
Art History, B.A.
Athletic Training, M.A.T.
Audiology, Au.D.
Behavioral Neuroscience, B.A., B.S.
Biochemistry, B.S.
Bioinformatics and Genomics Graduate Certificate
Bioinformatics and Genomics Undergraduate Certificate
Biology, B.A., B.S.
Biology, M.S.
Biomedical Engineering, B.S.E.
Biomedical Informatics Graduate Badge
Biomedical Sciences, B.S.
Biomedical Sciences, M.H.S.
Biostatistics, M.S.
Business Administration, Executive M.B.A. (EMBA)
Business Analytics Undergraduate Badge
Business Economics, B.B.A.
Business Fundamentals Undergraduate Certificate
Business Fundamentals Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Business, General B.B.A.
Cannabis Operations and Community Planning Undergraduate Certificate
Cannabis Operations Management Minor
Cannabis Operations Undergraduate Badge
Cardiovascular Sonography, B.S.
Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S.
Cell and Molecular Biology, M.S.
Chemistry, B.S.
Chinese Language Minor
Civic Change Agent Undergraduate Badge
Classics, B.A.
Clinical Dietetics, M.S.
Combined Degree: Accounting B.B.A. and M.S.A.
Combined Degree: Advertising and Public Relations B.A., B.S., and Communications, M.S.
Combined Degree: Allied Health Science B.S. and Public Health M.P.H.
Combined Degree: Allied Health Sciences B.S. and Athletic Training M.A.T.
Combined Degree: Applied Food & Nutrition B.S. and Clinical Dietetics, M.S.
Combined Degree: Biomedical Sciences, B.S. and M.H.S.
Combined Degree: Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S. and M.S.
Combined Degree: Communication Studies B.A., B.S. and Communications, M.S.
Combined Degree: Computer Engineering B.S.E. and Applied Computer Science M.S.
Combined Degree: Computer Science B.S. and Applied Computer Science M.S.
Combined Degree: Computer Science B.S. and Cybersecurity M.S.
Combined Degree: Computer Science, B.S. and Data Science and Analytics, M.S.
Combined Degree: Cybersecurity, B.S. and M.S.
Combined Degree: Engineering, B.S.E. and M.S.E.
Combined Degree: Exercise Science B.S. and Athletic Training M.A.T.
Combined Degree: Exercise Science B.S. and Public Health M.P.H.
Combined Degree: Health Communication B.A., B.S. and Communications, M.S.
Combined Degree: Information Systems B.S. and Applied Computer Science M.S.
Combined Degree: Information Systems B.S. and Cybersecurity M.S.
Combined Degree: Information Technology B.S. and Applied Computer Science M.S.
Combined Degree: Information Technology B.S. and Cybersecurity M.S.
Combined Degree: Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media B.A., B.S. and Communications, M.S.
Combined Degree: Occupational Therapy M.S. and Dr.O.T.
Combined Degree: Public and Nonprofit Administration, B.A., B.S. and Public Administration, M.P.A.
Combined Degree: Recreational Therapy B.S. and M.S.
Combined Degree: Statistics B.S. and Applied Statistics, M.S.
Combined Degree: Statistics B.S. and Biostatistics, M.S.
Combined Degree: Statistics, B.S. and Data Science and Analytics, M.S.
Communication Minors
Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S.
Communication Studies, B.A., B.S.
Communications, M.S.
Computer Engineering, B.S.E.
Computer Science, B.S.
Corporate Transactions Graduate Badge
Criminal Justice, B.A., B.S.
Criminal Justice, M.S.
Cybersecurity Graduate Badge
Cybersecurity, B.S.
Cybersecurity, M.S.
Dance, B.A., B.S.
Data Analytics Graduate Badge
Data Mining Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Data Science and Analytics, B.S.
Data Science and Analytics, M.S.
Database Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Database Management Graduate Badge
Diagnostic Medical Sonography, B.S.
Digital Forensics Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Digital Media Undergraduate Certificate
Digital Studies Minor
Distributed Computing Graduate Badge
Earth Science, B.S.
East Asian Studies Minor
Ecological Restoration Undergraduate Certificate
Economics, B.A., B.S.
Education for Younger Children, Birth to Kindergarten, General and Special Education, B.A., B.S.
Education, Educational Leadership M.Ed. - Special Education Administration emphasis
Education, Educational Leadership, M.Ed.
Education, Graduate Teacher (GTC) Certification - Elementary
Education, Graduate Teacher (GTC) Certification - Secondary
Education, Higher Education, M.Ed.
Education, Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed. - Early Childhood Education emphasis
Education, Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed. - Educational Differentiation emphasis
Education, Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed. - Elementary Education emphasis
Education, Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed. - Secondary Education emphasis
Education, Learning, Design, and Technology, M.Ed.
Education, Literacy Studies, M.Ed.
Education, Online/Blended Instruction Graduate Certificate
Education, School Counseling, M.Ed.
Education, Special Education, M.Ed.
Educational Specialist in Leadership, Ed.S.
Electrical Engineering, B.S.E.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Graduate Badge
Electromagnetic Compatibility Undergraduate Badge
Embedded Systems Graduate Badge
Engineering Science Minor
Engineering, B.S.E.
Engineering, M.S.E.
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Graduate Certificate
English, B.A.
English, Minors in
Enterprise Resource Planning for business majors Undergraduate Badge
Enterprise Resource Planning for non business majors, Undergraduate Badge
Environmental and Sustainability Studies, B.A., B.S.
Environmental Remote Sensing Undergraduate Certificate
Environmental Science Minor
Event Sustainability Management Minor
Event Sustainability Operations Undergraduate Certificate
Event Sustainability Undergraduate Badge
Exercise Science, B.S.
Film and Video, B.A., B.S.
Finance, B.B.A.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, B.S.
Food and Beverage Service Undergraduate Badge
Foundational American Sign Language Undergraduate Badge
Foundations of Tax Practice Graduate Badge
French, B.A.
Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Technology Undergraduate Certificate
Geography, B.A., B.S.
Geology, B.S.
Geology-Chemistry, B.S.
Geospatial Technology Minor
German, B.A.
Global Studies and Social Impact, B.A., B.S.
Green Chemistry Undergraduate Certificate
Health Administration, M.H.A.
Health and Physical Education, B.S.
Health Care Information Systems Minor
Health Communication, B.A., B.S.
Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, M.S.
Health Information Management, B.S.
History of Science Minor
History, B.A., B.S.
Homebrewing Beer Undergraduate Badge
Hospitality and Tourism Management Minor
Hospitality and Tourism Management, B.S.
Human Resource Management, B.B.A.
Human Rights Minor
Information Security Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Information Security Systems Minor
Information Systems Management Graduate Badge
Information Systems Project Management Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Information Systems, B.S.
Information Technology, B.S.
Information Visualization Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Integrated Science, B.S.
Integrative Studies, B.A., B.S.
Integrative Studies, B.A., B.S. - LEADS adult degree completion online
Intercultural Communications Undergraduate Certificate
Intercultural Communications Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Intercultural Competence Undergraduate Badge
Interdisciplinary Engineering, B.S.E.
Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Undergraduate Certificate
International Business Minor
International Relations, B.A.
Interprofessional Health Informatics Graduate Certificate
Japanese Language Minor
Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media, B.A., B.S.
Juvenile Justice Minor
Latin American and Latino/a Studies Minor
Latino/a Studies Undergraduate Certificate
Leadership and Business Fundamentals, B.A.S.
Leadership Undergraduate Certificate
Leadership Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Legal Studies, B.A., B.S.
Management with Management Information Systems emphasis, B.B.A.
Management, General, B.B.A.
Marketing, B.B.A.
Mathematics, B.A., B.S.
Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E.
Medical and Health Humanities Undergraduate Certificate
Medical Dosimetry, M.S.
Medical Laboratory Science, B.S.
Microbiology, B.S.
Middle East Studies Minor
Minors in Statistics
Mobile Application Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Modern Languages and Literatures
Movement Science Minor
Multilingualism Undergraduate Badge
Music, B.A., B.M., B.M.E.
Natural Resources and Environmental Management, B.S.
Networking Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Nonprofit Administration and Public Administration Minors
Nonprofit Leadership Graduate Certificate
Nursing B.S.N., Accelerated Second Degree
Nursing, B.S.N.
Nursing, D.N.P.
Nursing, M.S.N.
Nursing, R.N. to B.S.N.
Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Occupational Safety and Health Management, B.S.
Occupational Therapy, Dr.O.T.
Occupational Therapy, M.S.
Operations Management, B.B.A.
Palliative and Hospice Care Graduate Certificate
Palliative and Hospice Care I Graduate Badge
Palliative and Hospice Care II Graduate Badge
Paralegal Studies Undergraduate Certificate
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Elementary Teaching (PCKET) B.A., B.S.
Performing Arts Industry, B.S.
Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership, M.P.N.L.
Philosophy, B.A.
Photography, B.A., B.S.
Physical Therapy, D.P.T.
Physician Assistant Studies, M.P.A.S.
Physics, B.S.
Piano Pedagogy Undergraduate Certificate
Political Science, B.A., B.S.
Practical Ethics Minors
Predental Studies
Prelaw Studies
Premedical Studies
Prepharmacy Studies
Preveterinary Medicine
Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering, B.S.E.
Professional Innovation, B.A.S.
Professional Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Professional Science Master's
Project Management Undergraduate Certificate
Project Management Undergraduate Certificate, adult online
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Graduate Certificate
Psychology, B.A., B.S.
Public Administration, M.P.A.
Public and Nonprofit Administration, B.A., B.S.
Public Health, M.P.H.
Public History Undergraduate Badge
R Programming Undergraduate Badge
Radiation Therapy, B.S.
Real Estate Undergraduate Certificate
Recreational Therapy, B.S.
Recreational Therapy, M.S.
Religious Studies Minor
Respiratory Care, B.S.
Respiratory Care, B.S. degree completion
Sales Fundamentals Undergraduate Badge
School Psychology, M.S. & Psy.S.
Social Innovation, M.A.
Social Media and Analytics Undergraduate Badge
Social Studies, B.A., B.S.
Social Work, B.S.W.
Social Work, M.S.W.
Sociology, B.A., B.S.
Software Design and Development Graduate Badge
Software Engineering Graduate Badge
Spanish, B.A.
Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.
Sport Coaching Undergraduate Certificate
Sport Management, B.S.
Statistics, B.A., B.S.
Student-Initiated Combined Degree
Studio Art, B.A., B.S., B.F.A.
Supply Chain Management, B.B.A.
Sustainable Food Systems Undergraduate Certificate
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning Minor
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Certificate
Taxation, M.S.T.
Teacher Preparation
Technical Sales Undergraduate Badge
Technology Project Management, B.A.S.
Telehealth Graduate Badge
Theatre, B.A., B.S.
Victim Advocacy and Services Graduate Badge
Water Resource Policy, M.S.
Wealth Planning Graduate Badge
Web and Mobile Computing Graduate Badge
Web Application Fundamentals Graduate Badge
Web Design and Development, B.A.S.
Wildlife Biology, B.S.
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, B.A., B.S.
Workplace Technology and Communication Undergraduate Badge
Writing, B.A., B.S.
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